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Andrew M McCall

Web Hosting

Web Hosting Free Sites: Web Hosting For Developers

Web Hosting Free Sites: A Guide To Free Web Hosting Solutions For Web Developers

For new businesses or web developers that are just getting started, choosing affordable, reliable, and performant web hosting can be a challenging experience. The internet has become such an indispensable part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. The internet has reshaped the way we do business and communicate, it has revolutionized the way we learn, work, and play, and it has changed the way we live our everyday lives. And yet, most people don’t think twice about the web hosting that houses their personal and business websites.

How To Host A Static Website For Cheap On Bunny CDN

How To Host A Website On BunnyCDN

We all want our web hosting to be as cheap as possible, especially when we are starting out. Often, many aspiring developers turn to shared hosting solutions to program their first static sites. This is convenient because in the beginning most developers struggle with basic tasks like connecting through ftp and uploading their site. As we progress, however, we begin to realize the limitations of shared hosting such as resource sharing and slow responses during peak times. This is when we start exploring other options available to us.