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Andrew M McCall


A Complete SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites [Free SEO Audit Template]

Demystify Search Engine Optimization by using my free SEO Checklist for Local Small Business Websites.


Download My Free Manual SEO Audit Template: free SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites

Today, I am going to show you how to conduct your first manual SEO audit on your local small business website. There is a ton of competing information out there which can confuse SEO beginners. I know I was confused in the beginning. Thankfully, you will also have access to my free SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites.

Web Analytics Platforms That Are Privacy Focused

If you are still using Google Analytics: stop!

Google analytics is a powerful tool and the number one analytics platform used by businesses today. Upon first glance it may seem like a simple data analysis tool, but in reality it can be used to collect massive amounts of personal information on any internet user or device.

As we begin to shift away from the web 2.0 paradigm to web 3.0, it is important to take an inventory of our data collection habits. Web analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, is notorious for using invasive data collection techniques to track website visits. This article will explore some Google analytics alternatives for a more privacy-oriented web.