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Andrew M McCall


Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks

If you have found yourself re-writing the same boilerplate React code over and over, You may be able to refactor that into a reusable custom React hook function that will save you time and help clean up your code a bit.

What Is A React Hook

React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8, which allow us to use state and lifecycle hooks without constructor functions. They enable us to write less code, improve testability of components , and reduce potential side effects . A few weeks ago I was working on a project that had many nested components with lots of state . It became difficult to manage the state because every component depended on each other. The solution was to create higher-order components (HOC). But this caused the codebase to be bloated and become unmanagable quickly.

React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State

State is one of the most important concepts in React. It’s what allows us to build components that manage and maintain their own data, and it also enables us to create reusable components that can be shared across projects without duplicating code. But what exactly is State, and how do we use it? A component’s state is simply a JavaScript object with properties and values. The values of these properties can be changed over time (hence the name “state”) by invoking setState().