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Andrew M McCall


Importing Content From Hugo Into Wordpress

I walk through my philosophy on migrating Hugo data sources into wordpress as custom post types.

Frontmatter Data And Hugo Templates: How To Output Data With Hugo Static Site Generator

Hugo makes quick work of small client jobs. It can even handle structured data like coffee shop menus or restaurant pricing.

VIDEO: Creating A Coffee Shop Menu Using Frontmatter YAML and Hugo

Creating A Hugo Homepage

hugo new site my-coffee-shop && cd my-coffee-shop

The first thing we are going to do is create a new Hugo website. In the config.toml file, we added a site title.

Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]

A part of using Hugo is the freedom of making your own theme. In this tutorial, I will explain how to bootstrap a new Hugo theme so you can customize it exactly how you want to. I will go over verifying installation, creating a theme, telling Hugo how to use your new theme, and we walk through the very basics of setting up a theme so that the home page displays.

Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]

Installing Hugo on Windows is easy with chocolately package manager.

For those who are not familiar, Hugo is a static website generator that can help you manage blazing fast static websites with minimal effort.

If you are on Windows, installing Hugo is easy using Chocolately Package Manager. Here are the steps we take.

Directions To Install Hugo on Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager

  1. Navigate to chocolately package manager

    Hugo Website Tutorial: How To Create A Hugo Website

    Hugo Website Tutorial: How To Create Your First Hugo Website

    Hugo is a powerful static website generator written in the GO language. It can help you create clean, modern websites that load quickly with little overhead.

    [VIDEO] Hugo Tutorials

    1. 👉 [Video] How To Install Hugo On Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager (Less Than 2.5 Minutes)
    2. 👉 [Video] How To Boostrap A New Hugo Theme And Display The Home Page
    3. 👉 [Video] Output Structured Data Using Hugo, YAML, and Frontmatter

    What is the Hugo static site framework?

    Hugo is one of my favorite website build tools. It is very fast. They advertise themselves as being “blazingly fast.” Hugo is a static website generator built with the GO language. It uses GO templating and than renders a 100% static website at build time. The reason you want this: speed. Static websites have less technology debt than other modern workflows that require a server backend to process and build pages on the fly.