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Andrew M McCall


How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application

This is an example of how to create a template cache for a go web application that uses an in-memory map.

Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]

A part of using Hugo is the freedom of making your own theme. In this tutorial, I will explain how to bootstrap a new Hugo theme so you can customize it exactly how you want to. I will go over verifying installation, creating a theme, telling Hugo how to use your new theme, and we walk through the very basics of setting up a theme so that the home page displays.

Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]

Installing Hugo on Windows is easy with chocolately package manager.

For those who are not familiar, Hugo is a static website generator that can help you manage blazing fast static websites with minimal effort.

If you are on Windows, installing Hugo is easy using Chocolately Package Manager. Here are the steps we take.

Directions To Install Hugo on Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager

  1. Navigate to chocolately package manager