Web Development
How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application
This is an example of how to create a template cache for a go web application that uses an in-memory map.
Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]
A part of using Hugo is the freedom of making your own theme. In this tutorial, I will explain how to bootstrap a new Hugo theme so you can customize it exactly how you want to. I will go over verifying installation, creating a theme, telling Hugo how to use your new theme, and we walk through the very basics of setting up a theme so that the home page displays.
Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]
Installing Hugo on Windows is easy with chocolately package manager.
For those who are not familiar, Hugo is a static website generator that can help you manage blazing fast static websites with minimal effort.
If you are on Windows, installing Hugo is easy using Chocolately Package Manager. Here are the steps we take.
Directions To Install Hugo on Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager
Navigate to chocolately package manager
Web Hosting Free Sites: Web Hosting For Developers
Web Hosting Free Sites: A Guide To Free Web Hosting Solutions For Web Developers
For new businesses or web developers that are just getting started, choosing affordable, reliable, and performant web hosting can be a challenging experience. The internet has become such an indispensable part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. The internet has reshaped the way we do business and communicate, it has revolutionized the way we learn, work, and play, and it has changed the way we live our everyday lives. And yet, most people don’t think twice about the web hosting that houses their personal and business websites.
CSS Grid Gallery: Easy Fluid Gallery With CSS Grid and Javascript
Learn how to create a fluid image gallery with css grid and a few lines of javascript. In the following article, we will learn how to create a grid gallery that is fluid and easy to navigate with CSS Grid and Javascript. First, we will create a container for our grid gallery. Then we will create a row of items. Finally, we need to set up a grid to contain the items in the row. We will then apply some styling for our gallery so that it looks nice on all browsers by using CSS Grid and Javascript’s responsive design techniques.
Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks
If you have found yourself re-writing the same boilerplate React code over and over, You may be able to refactor that into a reusable custom React hook function that will save you time and help clean up your code a bit.
What Is A React Hook
React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8, which allow us to use state and lifecycle hooks without constructor functions. They enable us to write less code, improve testability of components , and reduce potential side effects . A few weeks ago I was working on a project that had many nested components with lots of state . It became difficult to manage the state because every component depended on each other. The solution was to create higher-order components (HOC). But this caused the codebase to be bloated and become unmanagable quickly.
React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State
State is one of the most important concepts in React. It’s what allows us to build components that manage and maintain their own data, and it also enables us to create reusable components that can be shared across projects without duplicating code. But what exactly is State, and how do we use it? A component’s state is simply a JavaScript object with properties and values. The values of these properties can be changed over time (hence the name “state”) by invoking setState().
5 Things You Need To Know Before And After You Build A Website
5 Ways You Can Use Your Website to Grow Your Business
Websites are a great way to grow your business, but you need to make sure that they are properly maintained and optimized for this. In order to help you with that, here are five ways you can use your website for the growth of your business.
Create a blog: Blogging is a great way to create content and generate leads. It gives you a platform for interacting with prospects and customers alike. Moreover, it can improve the search engine visibility of your website by increasing the number of inbound links from other sites. You can also take advantage of content marketing where you upload videos, podcasts or infographics.
5 Trends For Traverse City Web Development In 2022
When it comes to trends in web development, there is no telling what will happen with the release of new technologies and tools. It is difficult to predict what will happen in 2022, but one thing is for sure, website trends will be different with the release of new versions of Angular, React, and other technologies. The focus on user experience will start to replace search engine optimization as the most important factor in the success of a website.
Personal Coaching Tips
Search Engine Optimization
Web Design
Web Development
- Docker: Important Topics & Notes
- Go Net Listener Http Server Example
- Using Go Embed Package for Template Rendering
- Notes On Testing Golang Applications
- Custom Golang Http Router With Middleware
- WordPress Self Hosted A Guided Tour To Running Wordpress Independent Of Big Hosting
- Neovim Custom File Extension Syntax Highlighting
- Importing Content From Hugo Into Wordpress
- Why I Dont Recommend Getflywheel or Wpengine for Most Wordpress Hosting
- Javascript Count Up to Number
- Golang Send Multipart Form Data to Api Endpoint
- Create an Accessible Vanilla Javascript Accordion
- Golang Create a Random String
- Go Channels Tutorial - Understanding Goroutines and Channels
- Call, Apply, And Bind Methods In Javascript
- Vanilla Javascript Carousel Slider: A Beginner's Tutorial
- Golang Image Resize and Golang Image Crop: Image Manipulation With Go Programming Language
- How To Create A Website For Your Online Business: Small Business Website Guide
- Frontmatter Data And Hugo Templates: How To Output Data With Hugo Static Site Generator
- Golang Read Environment Variables From File: How To Do It [Code Snippets]
- How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application
- Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]
- Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]
- Web Hosting Free Sites: Web Hosting For Developers
- CSS Grid Gallery: Easy Fluid Gallery With CSS Grid and Javascript
- Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks
- React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State
- 5 Things You Need To Know Before And After You Build A Website
- 5 Trends For Traverse City Web Development In 2022
Web Devsign
API Development
Call to Actions
Content Marketing
Cookieless Analytics
Data Migration
Digital Marketing
Frontend Web Development
- Go Net Listener Http Server Example
- Using Go Embed Package for Template Rendering
- Notes On Testing Golang Applications
- Custom Golang Http Router With Middleware
- Neovim Custom File Extension Syntax Highlighting
- Golang Send Multipart Form Data to Api Endpoint
- Unit Testing Json Encode
- Go Channels Tutorial - Understanding Goroutines and Channels
- Golang Image Resize and Golang Image Crop: Image Manipulation With Go Programming Language
- Golang Read Environment Variables From File: How To Do It [Code Snippets]
Go Application Configuration
- Go Net Listener Http Server Example
- Using Go Embed Package for Template Rendering
- Notes On Testing Golang Applications
- Custom Golang Http Router With Middleware
- Golang Send Multipart Form Data to Api Endpoint
- Unit Testing Json Encode
- Golang Create a Random String
- Go Channels Tutorial - Understanding Goroutines and Channels
- Golang Image Resize and Golang Image Crop: Image Manipulation With Go Programming Language
- Golang Read Environment Variables From File: How To Do It [Code Snippets]
- How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application
- Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]
- Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]
Google Analytics
Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics Alterantives
Google Business Profile Optimization
Growth Tips
Image Processing
- Javascript Count Up to Number
- Create an Accessible Vanilla Javascript Accordion
- Call, Apply, And Bind Methods In Javascript
- Vanilla Javascript Carousel Slider: A Beginner's Tutorial
- Javascript For Countdown Timer | [VIDEO]
- What Is Blockchain Technology And How Does It Work?
- Hugo Website Tutorial: How To Create A Hugo Website
- CSS Grid Gallery: Easy Fluid Gallery With CSS Grid and Javascript
- Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks
- React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State
- Everything You Need To Know About Parallax Scrolling & Javascript
Local Citations
Local SEO
Mime-Type Detection
Multipart Forms
Open Source
Privacy First Analytics
Privacy Oriented
SCM Injections
Scss Cheatsheet
Search Engine Optimization
Self Hosting
SEO Traverse City
Server Programming
Server Side Go
Small Business SEO
Smart Contracts
Social Media Marketing
Static Site Generator
Static Website Generators
Static Websites
Test Driven Development
Traverse City
Traverse City Business
Traverse City Web Design
Unit Testing
Universal Analytics
Vanilla Javascript
Web 3.0
Web Analytics
Web Design
Web Design Traverse City
Web Development
- Golang Image Resize and Golang Image Crop: Image Manipulation With Go Programming Language
- How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application
- Javascript For Countdown Timer | [VIDEO]
- Web Hosting Free Sites: Web Hosting For Developers
- CSS Grid Gallery: Easy Fluid Gallery With CSS Grid and Javascript
- Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks
- React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State
- 5 Things You Need To Know Before And After You Build A Website
- Everything You Need To Know About Parallax Scrolling & Javascript
- Everything You Need To Know About Content Delivery Networks As A Beginner
- 10 Static Site Mistakes You Should Stop Making: A blog about the common mistakes people make when creating static sites.
Web Development Tips
Web Hosting
Website Builder
Website Conversion
Website Design