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Andrew M McCall


5 Things You Need To Know Before And After You Build A Website

5 Ways You Can Use Your Website to Grow Your Business

Websites are a great way to grow your business, but you need to make sure that they are properly maintained and optimized for this. In order to help you with that, here are five ways you can use your website for the growth of your business.

  1. Create a blog: Blogging is a great way to create content and generate leads. It gives you a platform for interacting with prospects and customers alike. Moreover, it can improve the search engine visibility of your website by increasing the number of inbound links from other sites. You can also take advantage of content marketing where you upload videos, podcasts or infographics.

    5 Trends For Traverse City Web Development In 2022

    When it comes to trends in web development, there is no telling what will happen with the release of new technologies and tools. It is difficult to predict what will happen in 2022, but one thing is for sure, website trends will be different with the release of new versions of Angular, React, and other technologies. The focus on user experience will start to replace search engine optimization as the most important factor in the success of a website.

    Top 10 Reasons To Start A Business In Traverse City

    We are a website development company in Traverse City, Michigan. We make websites that are perfectly suited for your business. See what we can do for your business today.

    Traverse City, Michigan is a small town with the potential for growth. There are plenty of opportunities to make new connections, especially with the thriving business community. This blog will look at 10 reasons why you should start a business in Traverse City Michigan.

    Everything You Need To Know About Parallax Scrolling & Javascript

     Everything a beginner javascript student needs to know about implementing parallax scrolling on their website. What parallax is, why use it, why not to use, and a few ways that it can be achieved.

    What is parallax scrolling effects?

    What is parallax scrolling? If you have only come here for a parallax definition then your journey ends here: Parallax scrolling effects is a movement, one that is created by the scrolling of one layer of an image, which creates a sense of depth and keeps the audience’s eyes glued to the screen. It can be done using CSS3 or Javascript. In this blog post, I’ll be going through a beginner Javascript tutorial on how to implement parallax scrolling.

    Everything You Need To Know About Content Delivery Networks As A Beginner

    Choosing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are several factors to consider, and different factors apply to different types of website. This article guides you through the process of selecting a CDN and the factors you should consider.

    What Is A Content Delivery Network

    A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of servers that delivers web pages, video, and applications to a user based on their location.A content delivery network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers that deliver web pages, video, and applications to a user based on their geographical location. A content delivery network consists of servers (known as edge servers) that are placed within the network of a provider. The CDN provider originates the content at the origin server and then caches it on the edge servers which are close to the end user, in a location which will reduce the time to display the content to the end user.

    Markdown Syntax For Quick Development and Fast Content Creation

    Markdown is a markup language developed to be easy for writers to write. It allows writers to generate web pages quickly with excellent readability. It’s main purpose is to keep things simple and straightforward so that the writer can focus on the content rather than formatting. Markdown syntax is an alternative to HTML. It is not as powerful, but in some cases, it may be easier for a writer who doesn’t know HTML (or doesn’t want to know HTML) than learning that language.

    10 Static Site Mistakes You Should Stop Making: A blog about the common mistakes people make when creating static sites.

    When starting a business, it can be tempting to go with the “latest and greatest” web development technology. In fact, this same temptation often happens within a business even after it has launched a website. A website that has been built with a static site generator is always going to have a lower risk of being hacked. This doesn’t just mean your company will be less likely to be hacked, but you will also not have to throw away any code and start over if things do go wrong. If you are a small business you can also take advantage of static generators that are free or low cost.

    How To Host A Static Website For Cheap On Bunny CDN

    How To Host A Website On BunnyCDN

    We all want our web hosting to be as cheap as possible, especially when we are starting out. Often, many aspiring developers turn to shared hosting solutions to program their first static sites. This is convenient because in the beginning most developers struggle with basic tasks like connecting through ftp and uploading their site. As we progress, however, we begin to realize the limitations of shared hosting such as resource sharing and slow responses during peak times. This is when we start exploring other options available to us.