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Andrew M McCall


SCSS Use VS Import: How To Use @Use in SCSS

You have probably seen many times that @import is gradually being deprecated in SASS. So what is the alternative? Sass wants us to use @use which actually requires a little bit more setup but comes with the ability to namespace your sass and make it easier to maintain in larger projects.

What Is Wrong With Using @Import in SASS?

I do not feel there is any better way to put this than cite the official SASS documentation:

VPS Hosting Security: A Crash Course On VPS Configuration

VPS Hosting Security: What Do I Need To Know

Self-hosting websites and web applications give you the ultimate control over your hosting but require a bit of knowledge to implement VPS Hosting Security. Have you ever tried to ssh into a shared server at hostinger only to find that they have bricked almost all essential functionality? The downfall of doing it yourself and having ultimate control is that your server will not be security-hardened out of the box.

Javascript For Countdown Timer | [VIDEO]

A recurring problem that I need to solve for clients are counting down to an event, such as a sale or promotion. Countdown timers can help create a sense of urgency for potential leads so they are often used to instill a “fear of missing out” sense in leads.

If you wanted to, you could go a step further and pass in the DOM elements as part of the updateTime function to make it more reusable. In this particular example I did not do that. This particular version requires you to pass the future date into the function as a date time string formatted: “January 1, 2023 00:00:00”.

What Is Blockchain Technology And How Does It Work?

What Is Blockchain Technolology, Ethereum, Smart Contracts: Explained

Feeling confused about the blockchain, Ethereum, or smart contracts? This article aims to give a general introduction to the components and principles of the blockchain and help newcomers understand some of the terms and definitions behind this newer and exciting technology.

What is the Blockchain?

The blockchain is a decentralized network of computers. Furthermore, it is continously growing in size. This is because the blockchain is designed to store a decentralized public ledger of information. The blocks are then chained together with cryptography. Each block contains it’s own copy of the public ledger and a crytpographic hash of the previous record. The blockchain is excellent for recording monetary transactions.

Web Analytics Platforms That Are Privacy Focused

If you are still using Google Analytics: stop!

Google analytics is a powerful tool and the number one analytics platform used by businesses today. Upon first glance it may seem like a simple data analysis tool, but in reality it can be used to collect massive amounts of personal information on any internet user or device.

As we begin to shift away from the web 2.0 paradigm to web 3.0, it is important to take an inventory of our data collection habits. Web analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, is notorious for using invasive data collection techniques to track website visits. This article will explore some Google analytics alternatives for a more privacy-oriented web.

Web Hosting Free Sites: Web Hosting For Developers

Web Hosting Free Sites: A Guide To Free Web Hosting Solutions For Web Developers

For new businesses or web developers that are just getting started, choosing affordable, reliable, and performant web hosting can be a challenging experience. The internet has become such an indispensable part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. The internet has reshaped the way we do business and communicate, it has revolutionized the way we learn, work, and play, and it has changed the way we live our everyday lives. And yet, most people don’t think twice about the web hosting that houses their personal and business websites.

Hugo Website Tutorial: How To Create A Hugo Website

Hugo Website Tutorial: How To Create Your First Hugo Website

Hugo is a powerful static website generator written in the GO language. It can help you create clean, modern websites that load quickly with little overhead.

[VIDEO] Hugo Tutorials

  1. 👉 [Video] How To Install Hugo On Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager (Less Than 2.5 Minutes)
  2. 👉 [Video] How To Boostrap A New Hugo Theme And Display The Home Page
  3. 👉 [Video] Output Structured Data Using Hugo, YAML, and Frontmatter

What is the Hugo static site framework?

Hugo is one of my favorite website build tools. It is very fast. They advertise themselves as being “blazingly fast.” Hugo is a static website generator built with the GO language. It uses GO templating and than renders a 100% static website at build time. The reason you want this: speed. Static websites have less technology debt than other modern workflows that require a server backend to process and build pages on the fly.

CSS Grid Gallery: Easy Fluid Gallery With CSS Grid and Javascript

Learn how to create a fluid image gallery with css grid and a few lines of javascript. In the following article, we will learn how to create a grid gallery that is fluid and easy to navigate with CSS Grid and Javascript. First, we will create a container for our grid gallery. Then we will create a row of items. Finally, we need to set up a grid to contain the items in the row. We will then apply some styling for our gallery so that it looks nice on all browsers by using CSS Grid and Javascript’s responsive design techniques.

Custom React Hook Function: Create Custom Reusable React Hooks

If you have found yourself re-writing the same boilerplate React code over and over, You may be able to refactor that into a reusable custom React hook function that will save you time and help clean up your code a bit.

What Is A React Hook

React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8, which allow us to use state and lifecycle hooks without constructor functions. They enable us to write less code, improve testability of components , and reduce potential side effects . A few weeks ago I was working on a project that had many nested components with lots of state . It became difficult to manage the state because every component depended on each other. The solution was to create higher-order components (HOC). But this caused the codebase to be bloated and become unmanagable quickly.

React State Array: Updating An Array That Is Stored Inside Of State

State is one of the most important concepts in React. It’s what allows us to build components that manage and maintain their own data, and it also enables us to create reusable components that can be shared across projects without duplicating code. But what exactly is State, and how do we use it? A component’s state is simply a JavaScript object with properties and values. The values of these properties can be changed over time (hence the name “state”) by invoking setState().