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Andrew M McCall


A Complete SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites [Free SEO Audit Template]

Demystify Search Engine Optimization by using my free SEO Checklist for Local Small Business Websites.


Download My Free Manual SEO Audit Template: free SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites

Today, I am going to show you how to conduct your first manual SEO audit on your local small business website. There is a ton of competing information out there which can confuse SEO beginners. I know I was confused in the beginning. Thankfully, you will also have access to my free SEO Checklist For Local Small Business Websites.

How To Create A Website For Your Online Business: Small Business Website Guide

Why Do You Need A Business Website?

A business website is one of the most important tools you can have for promoting your company online. It is a cost-effective way to reach out to potential customers and clients, and it can help you build a strong online presence.

It can be used to showcase your products and services, provide information about your company, and even sell products and services online. If you are not sure where to start, there are many website builders and platforms that can help you build a professional website quickly and easily as well as a few DIY options.

Frontmatter Data And Hugo Templates: How To Output Data With Hugo Static Site Generator

Hugo makes quick work of small client jobs. It can even handle structured data like coffee shop menus or restaurant pricing.

VIDEO: Creating A Coffee Shop Menu Using Frontmatter YAML and Hugo

Creating A Hugo Homepage

hugo new site my-coffee-shop && cd my-coffee-shop

The first thing we are going to do is create a new Hugo website. In the config.toml file, we added a site title.

Golang Read Environment Variables From File: How To Do It [Code Snippets]

What Are Environmental Variables In Go

A Cautionary Tale: My AWS Account Was Hacked And I Have A $50,000 Bill

If you have ever used an API key or database connection string, you have most likely had a need to secure some sensitive data. Environment variables are a way to achieve this. We may need to do this because certain API’s can only be called so many times and the key is a way of authorizing our requests and keeping track of them. For example, the twitter API only allows 500k Tweets per monthcalls on the free Essential Access account per application. -Source: Twitter Developer Documentation

10 Secrets To Creating A Personal Coach Website That Converts

Are you thinking about starting a personal coaching business? If so, you’ll need to create a website that can attract and convert clients. In this blog post, we’ll share seven secrets to help you create a personal coach website that converts.

1. Have A Clear and Focused Website Goal For Your Perspective Personal Coaching Clients

When starting a personal coaching business, one of the most important things you can do is to have a clear and focused goal for your website. This will help you attract the right clients and repel the ones that aren’t a good fit.

Cookieless Analytics: Cookieless Tracking Alternatives To Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful web analytics suites on the internet today. Up until the release of Google Analytics 4, Google has relied solely on cookies to extract useful data from your website visitors.

Google Analytics 4 introduces a new way of tracking users across devices and platforms, using something called the User ID. With this new method, Google can track a single user as they move from one device to another, and even across different browsers. This gives Google a much more complete picture of how users interact with your website, and can be used to create more accurate reports and analysis.

20 Traverse City Web Design Companies | A Complete Website Design List

There are many great options for web design and graphic design in Northern Michigan. The area is home to a number of talented designers who can create stunning websites and graphics that will help your business stand out from the competition. Whether you’re looking for a simple website or something more complex, you’re sure to find a designer in Northern Michigan who can meet your needs.

We break down 20 web design agencies in Northern Michigan to help you make the best decision possible for your next web design project.

How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Web Application

This is an example of how to create a template cache for a go web application that uses an in-memory map.

Bootstrap A New Hugo Theme From Scratch [video]

A part of using Hugo is the freedom of making your own theme. In this tutorial, I will explain how to bootstrap a new Hugo theme so you can customize it exactly how you want to. I will go over verifying installation, creating a theme, telling Hugo how to use your new theme, and we walk through the very basics of setting up a theme so that the home page displays.

Install Hugo With Chocolatey Package Manager On Windows 10 [video]

Installing Hugo on Windows is easy with chocolately package manager.

For those who are not familiar, Hugo is a static website generator that can help you manage blazing fast static websites with minimal effort.

If you are on Windows, installing Hugo is easy using Chocolately Package Manager. Here are the steps we take.

Directions To Install Hugo on Windows 10 With Chocolately Package Manager

  1. Navigate to chocolately package manager