Golang Send Multipart Form Data to Api Endpoint
We often need to send data and files from one JSON API endpoint to another. In this post, I explain how to use multipartform writer to send form data across api endpoint boundaries.
Create an Accessible Vanilla Javascript Accordion
The accordion is a user interface component that helps structure and display website information through an expansion/contraction mechanism. This article explores building a vanilla javascript accordion with accessibility in mind.
Setup DisplayLink on Manjaro Linux
Getting displaylink drivers to work on Arch linux flavors can be challenging to newcomers. Here are my notes for getting displaylink drivers working on Manjaro Linux.
Unit Testing Json Encode
Here are my notes on testing a JSON writer for Golang that lets you wrap the response in an envelope
Golang Create a Random String
Go’s rand package can help us easily generate a random string for when we need to ensure uniqueness with naming in our applicaton. We walkthrough the process of generating a random string using golang.
Go Channels Tutorial - Understanding Goroutines and Channels
Go has powerful concurrency tools fully baked into the programming Language. This post aims to explain go routines and channels so you can get started using them in your own projects.
Call, Apply, And Bind Methods In Javascript
Call, apply, and bind methods can be confusing for newer Javascript developers. In this post, we break down Call, Apply, And Bind methods for newer Javascript developers.
Google Analytics 4: Key Differences From Universal Analytics
My Notes From Google Skillshop Course on Google Analytics 4 On The Differences Between GA4 and Universal Analytics
Vanilla Javascript Carousel Slider: A Beginner's Tutorial
Vanilla Javascript Carousel Slider: A Beginner Slider
A photo or content slider is one of the oldest, but most popular design assets one can create with javascript. Many developers will reach for popular carousel frameworks such as swiper, slick, or photoswipe. Most of the time, you don’t need so much overhead. Let’s build a slider together and see how we can build a responsive slider without using a ton of a extra javascript.
Golang Image Resize and Golang Image Crop: Image Manipulation With Go Programming Language
An introduction to some of the very basic features of iamge cropping with Go.