Docker: Important Topics & Notes
Some basic docker commands for reference. My personal important topics and notes for Docker.
Basic Docker Commands
- start a docker container with image:
docker container run --publish 80:80 nginx
- detach mode:
docker container run --publish 80:80 nginx --detach
- list docker containers:
docker container ls
- stop docker container
docker container stop __container_id__
- with name:
docker container run --publish 80:80 --detach --name webhost nginx
- get logs:
docker container logs webhost
- process running inside the container:
docker container top webhost
- need to remove multiple at once:
docker container rm 63f 690 0de
- force remove containers:
docker container rm -f CONTAINER_ID
- passing env var:
docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes mysql
Docker container run
first looks for the image locally in the image
cache. If it doesn’t find anything, it looks for it in the remote image
repository which defaults to Docker Hub. If not specified, it chooses the
latest, then creates a new container based on that image and prepares to
start. It gives it a virtual IP on a private network inside of docker
engine. It opens up port 80 on the host and forwards to port 80 on the
finally the container stars.
What is a container?
It is not a virtual machine. They are a process running on your host operating system. It is a restricted process inside our host operating system and nothing like a virtual machine.
docker run --name mongo -d mongo
docker top mongo
- can see uid, pid, etcps aux | grep mongod
can show you that it is just a process running on the host machine
See what is going on inside docker container
- docker container top
- docker container inspect
- docker container stats
docker container run -d --name nginx nginx && docker container run -d --name mysql -e MSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true mysql
docker container top mysql
docker container inspect mysql
docker container stats
- simple real time data
Getting a shell inside of the container
docker container run -it
# starts new container interactivelydocker container exec -it
# run additional command in existing -it interactive psuedo-tty container- no ssh needed
docker container run -it --name proxy nginx bash
- type
to exit container - in this instance, we stop the container when we exit the shell
docker container exec -it mariadb bash|/bin/sh
will let you run additional command and when you exit the container will still be runningdocker pull alpine && docker container run -it alpine bash
will cause error because bash is not in the container, how would I get into the alpine image? We can usebash is not in the container, how would I get into the alpine image? We can use sh.docker pull alpine && docker container run -it alpine /bin/sh
to exit.
Docker Networks: Overview
docker container run -p
- exposes the port on the host machineFor local dev/testing, networks usually just work
quick port check with
docker container port <container>
Each container connected to a private virtual network “bridge”
Each virtual network routes through a NAT firewall on host IP
all containers on a virtual network can talk to each other without -p (specific containers talk to each other on their own network)
Best practice is to create a new virtual network for each app:
- network “my_web_app” for mysql and php/apache containers
- network “my_api” for mongo and nodejs containers
Batteries Included, But Removable
defaults work well in many caes, but easy to swap parts
creating multiple virtual networks
attach containers to more then one virtual network or none
skip virtual network configuration and use host IP (–net=host)
use different docker network drivers to gain new abilities
docker container run -p 80:80 --name webhost -d nginx
also can use
remember publishing ports is always in host:container format
docker container port webhost
❯ docker container port webhost
80/tcp ->
80/tcp -> [::]:80
docker container inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' webhost
❯ docker container inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' webhost
The firewall blocks incoming traffic by default, and docker container
traffic are NAT’d. There is docker virtual networks that are called things
like bridge/docker0
and the container attaches to the virtual network.
Publishing the ports tells the host machine to forward anything coming into
that port and forward it to the container port that is open in the
container and forwarded appropriately.
Note: you can’t have 2 containers listening on the same port on the host level. I.E., you can’t have two containers forwarding traffic from port 80.
Docker Networks: CLI Management
docker network ls
docker network inspect
docker network create --driver
docker network connect
docker network disconnect
docker bridge is the default virtual network which is NAT’ed behind the Host IP.--network host
: it gains performance by skipping virtual networks but sacrifices security of container model--network none
its not attached to anythingdocker network create my_app_net
network driver built-in or 3rd party extensions that give you virtual network features
docker container run -d --name new_nginx --network my_app_net nginx
docker network inspect my_app_net
add exiting container:
docker network connect <NETWORK ID> <CONTAINER ID>
remove from network
docker network disconnect <NETWORK ID <CONTAINER ID>
Docker Networks: DNS
- DNS is key to inter-container communication
can enable DNS on default bridge network
Note: Static IP’s and using IP’s for communicating between containers is an anti-pattern. Do your best to avoid it.
Docker daemon has as built-in DNS server taht containers use by default.
Docker defaults the hostname to the container’s name, but you can also set aliases.
docker container run -d --name my_nginx --network my_app_net nginx
docker network inspect my_app_net
will contain multiple containers that are communicated via their names by default.docker container exec -it my_nginx ping new_nginx
is an example of how docker manages DNS within the virtual networks.
❯ docker container exec -it my_nginx ping new_nginx
PING new_nginx ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.028 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms
This solves a problem because you can’t predict if they are going to exist, where they are going to be, etc.
For the default bridge network, it does not have the DNS server built into
it by default. But you can use the --link
option to specify manual links
for the default bridge network.
Containers should not rely on IP’s for inter-communication. DNS for friendly names is a built in DOcker feature via custom networks. Custom networks is the best solution for inter-communication of containers.
docker container run --rm -it centos:7 bash
This will create new centos container running with a bash.
We can then run yum update curl
for example to update curl.
The advantage of the --rm
flag is it removes the container after you are
Round Robin (kinda)
docker network create my_network
docker container run -d --network my_network --net-alias search elasticsearch:2
docker container run -d --network my_network --net-alias search
docker container ls
should show both containersdocker container run --rm --network my_network alpine nslookup search
# should run dnslookup in container and immediately exitdocker container run --rm --network my_network centos curl -s search:9200
#should be able to lookup either containers running
Getting started with Docker Images
Images are the building blocks of containers. For example, they can be obtained from the Docker Hub registry.
What is in an image:
- App binaries and dependencies
- Metadata about the image data and how to run the image
- It not a complete OS, no Kernel, Kernel modules such as drivers - the host provides the kernel.
There is only one “official” version of each docker image, which is in part
maintained by the docker team. If someone creates a custom image similar
to an official image such as nginx
it will always start with the username
prefix, i.e., mydockeruser/nginx-proxy
In some ways, docker hub is kind of the package manager system for containers.
Image Layers - Image Cache Information
Some important topics include:
- Image Layers
- Union File System
- History and Inspect commands
Print the history of the image layers
A history of the image layers. Every image starts from the very beginning with a blank layer known as scratch
❯ docker history nginx:latest
b52e0b094bc0 4 weeks ago CMD ["nginx" "-g" "daemon off;"] 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago STOPSIGNAL SIGQUIT 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}] 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENTRYPOINT ["/"] 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago COPY /docker-ent… 4.62kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago COPY /docker-ent… 3.02kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago COPY 15-local-resolvers.envsh /docker-entryp… 389B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago COPY /docker… 2.12kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago COPY / # buildkit 1.62kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago RUN /bin/sh -c set -x && groupadd --syst… 117MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENV DYNPKG_RELEASE=1~bookworm 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENV PKG_RELEASE=1~bookworm 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENV NJS_RELEASE=1~bookworm 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENV NJS_VERSION=0.8.9 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago ENV NGINX_VERSION=1.27.4 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago LABEL maintainer=NGINX Docker Maintainers <d… 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 4 weeks ago # --arch 'amd64' out/ 'bookworm' '… 74.8MB debuerreotype 0.15
Note: <missing>
indicates that they are layers inside the image,
but not actually images themselves.
When creating a new image, we start with one layer, and every layer get
its own unique SHA
to help identify if this layer is the same as another
layer on the system.
is unique, so it is a guaranteed to be the same layer.
Container Layer
Lets say we have an apache image and we want to run a container off of it, it create a new read write layer on top of the apache image. Underneath, the storage driver that is used by docker, is layering like a stack of pancakes all of these changes on top of each other.
Copy On Write: The filesystem takes a file out of the image and copies it into the container layer.
From O’Reilly:
Docker uses the copy-on-write technique when dealing with images. Copy-on-write is a strategy of sharing and copying files for maximum efficiency. If a layer uses a file or folder that is available in one of the low-lying layers, then it just uses it. If, on the other hand, a layer wants to modify, say, a file from a low-lying layer, then it first copies this file up to the target layer and then modifies it.
Source: O’Reilly - Learn Docker
Docker Image Inspect
Inspect give you back the metadata. Besides the image ID and it’s tags, you get all sort sof details about how this image expects to be run. For example. It can tell you what Ports you need to open up if you want to accept connections.
You can see Environment variables, and commands that it is going to run when it starts up.
It can also tell us useful information such as the Architecture: “amd64”,“os:linux”
Image Tagging & Pushing To Docker Hub
Important Concepts:
- Image ID vs Tag
- How to upload to Docker Hub
- Image Tags
❯ docker image tag --help
Usage: docker image tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]
Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
docker image tag, docker tag
Image don’t technically have a name, but we refer to them like that.
This can be proved by running docker image ls
. Notice the absence of a
name column?
❯ docker image ls
fusion-webpack latest 7b1fc89f614a 47 hours ago 860MB
<none> <none> 112d76331e05 47 hours ago 860MB
washpost/fusion-engine latest 5dd6e4b3bdac 3 days ago 708MB
washpost/fusion-origin latest 91e87355e57e 10 days ago 227MB
washpost/fusion-cache-proxy latest 3c7a3c706170 10 days ago 24.6MB
memcached latest 36b77029f362 2 weeks ago 84.8MB
fusion_zip-zip latest a30af9a3ae21 2 weeks ago 14.8MB
fusion_verify-verify latest 8fbe48cf5c75 2 weeks ago 716MB
alpine latest aded1e1a5b37 3 weeks ago 7.83MB
nginx alpine 1ff4bb4faebc 4 weeks ago 47.9MB
nginx latest b52e0b094bc0 4 weeks ago 192MB
ubuntu latest a04dc4851cbc 5 weeks ago 78.1MB
httpd latest 0de612e99135 6 weeks ago 148MB
mysql latest 5568fddd4f66 6 weeks ago 797MB
washpost/fusion-resolver latest 065d0b72c223 2 months ago 623MB
mariadb latest 6722945a6940 3 months ago 407MB
washpost/pb-editor-api dev 965551d554a9 9 months ago 751MB
pagebuilderteam/arc-themes-stylebuilder latest c689863d8e3f 11 months ago 203MB
washpost/fusion-cli-api production 9235387626da 12 months ago 973MB
washpost/mongo-vandelay latest cc73e1bea97e 2 years ago 485MB
centos 7 eeb6ee3f44bd 3 years ago 204MB
mailhog/mailhog latest 4de68494cd0d 4 years ago 392MB
Instead we refer to them by 3 different pieces of information:
The repository is usually made up by the username or organization name / the repository.
Official images are the only images that can live at the root namespace of the registry, so they do not need an account name in front of the repo name.
The tag is not quite a version or branch, but similar to git tags. It is a pointer to a specific image commit. Tags point to an image id so multiple tags can point to the same image id.
Can be numbers or names. Docker manages namespaces and associates them to image ids.
We can re-tag existing docker images.
docker image tag nginx am/nginx
❯ docker image tag --help
Usage: docker image tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]
#TARGET_IMAGE is kind of the new image
Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
docker image tag, docker tag
doesn’t necessarily mean the latest version, it doesn’t have any
special meeting, but it is considered a convention.
docker image push mynewtag/nginx
will yield denied: requested access to the resource is denied
. It tries to upload the tag, but if you haven’t
logged in, then it won’t work.
docker login <server>
Defaults to logging into Docker Hub, but you can override by adding server url.
The config file is located at ~/.docker/config.json
which holds your auth
Add Additional Tag
docker image tag elkcityhazard/nginx elkcityhazard/nginx:my_new_tag
docker image push elkcityhazard/nginx:my_new_tag
Dockerfile: A Recipe For Creating An Image
Dockerfile at first glance looks like a bash script, but it is a Docker- specific syntax.
Dockerfile stanzas are executed top down, so the order actually does matter.
simple build command:
docker build -f some-dockerfile
. This is how to specify a different file other thandockerfile
.FROM debian:jessie
. All images must have a FROM command. This is usually from a minimal linux distro like debian or alpine. If you want to start from an empty container, useFROM scratch
. A main benefit of using a distro here is to have access to that distros package management system such as apt,yum,etc.ENV NGINX_VERSION 1.11.10-1~jessie
. The main way we set keys and values for container building and running containers.RUN
executing shell commands inside the container as it is building it. Use RUN commands when we need to install software from a package repository, do some unzipping, file edits, and more. RUN commands can run shell scripts that you copied into the container earlier, or anything that it has access to inside of the container at that time. Each stanza of the dockerfile is its own layer, so to bundle things into one layer, we can use the&&
to chain commands together. This ensures that all of the commands fit into one single layer which can help us save time, space, and very common.RUN
: example of setting up logging tostdout
RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log \
&& ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx.error.log
Docker takes care of logging for us. We just need to make sure that
anything we want to log is sent to stdout
and stderr
: Expose ports on the docker virtual network. We still need to use -p or -P to open/forward these ports on host.CMD
: required run this command when the container is launched. Only oneCMD
allowed, so if there are multiple, the last one wins.
Building a dockerfile
docker image build -t examplenginx .
Any line inside the dockerfile that changes, it will not use the cache. Also, lines after that line will be rebuilt disregarding the cache. Note: it is a good practice to keep the things that change the least at the top of your dockerfile, while things that change the most near the bottom of your dockerfile.
Copy a file into an container
FROM nginx:latest
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY index.html index.html
a best practice for changing directories to do thing.COPY
: the stanza to copy your source code from your local machine into your container.FROM nginx:latest
has a built in CMD, so our dockerfile can inherit it.
A Simple Dockerfile Example
FROM node:6-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache tini
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json package.json
RUN npm install \
&& npm cache clean --force
COPY . .
CMD ["/sbin/tini", "--", "node", "./bin/www"]
- using a prebuilt node:6 with alpine
- exposing 3000 since the app listens for connections on that port
- adding the tini package
- switching the current working dir
- copying in the package.json
- RUN npm install and force cleaning the cache
- COPY the files from the source dir into the working directory # not each RUN command starts back at the root directory.
- start the app using tini
- build:
docker build -t elkcityhazard/my_test_app .
- run it:
docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 elkcityhazard/my_test_app
- rename it:
docker tag elkcityhazard/my_test_app elkcityhazard/my_test_app:renamed
- push it:
docker push elkcityhazard/my_test_app
- remove it:
docker image rm elkcityhazard/my_test_app
- pull it down:
docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 elkcityhazard/my_test_app
Using Prune To Keep Docker System Clean
docker image prune
docker system prune
docker image prune -a
docker system df
More about docker system prune
here: docker system prune.
Container Lifetime & Persistent Data
- What is persistent data?
- Immutable infrastructure, and containers being naturally ephemeral
- Data Volumes and how they solve some problems
- Bind Mounts, and how that solves different problems with persistent data
Containers are meant to be immutable and ephemeral. You can just throw away a container and create a new one from an image. This is a design goal. What about databases, unique data, and other data separation of concerns. Containers are persistent by nature until we remove the container. Unique data aka persistent data.
Docker has two solutions for this problem: Volumes and Bind Mounts.
Volumes make a special location outside of the container UFS aka Union File System.
Bind mounts link container path to host path. This is just sharing or mounting a host directory or file into a container.
Persistent Data: Volumes
VOLUME command in Dockerfile.
VOLUME /var/lib/mysql
# default location of mysql database. This tells
docker that when we start a container, to create a new volume location and
assign it to this directory until we delete it.
Volumes need manual deletion.
docker volume prune
to cleanup unused volumes and make it easiser to see
what you have.
docker container run -d --name mysql_sandbox -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql
docker container inspect mysql_sandbox
will show us that there is a
volume, but it is also located in “Mounts”. This gives you some
interesting metadata such as where the data is actually being stored on the
host system.
"Mounts": [
"Type": "volume",
"Name": "520765faa029897f9b21b945dd4b818fd6f9b1848165585d32a19b26ebe3cd73",
"Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/520765faa029897f9b21b945dd4b818fd6f9b1848165585d32a19b26ebe3cd73/_data",
"Destination": "/var/lib/mysql",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""
"Volumes": {
"/var/lib/mysql": {}
docker volume ls
&& docker volume inspect {volume_id}
We can see from the container perspective what volume it is using, but we can’t really see what it is connected to.
Volumes persist after container is destroyed.
Named Volumes
docker container run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql
This creates a named volume which is more user friendly. Named volumes are much easier to work with if it needs to stick around.
docker volume create
Required to do this before “docker run” to use custom drivers and labels.
This is a time where you ight need to create a custom driver or label.
Bind Mounts
Maps a host file or directory to a container file or directory - “bind outside to inside.”
You can specify a directory or a single file.
This skips the UFS and host files overwrite any in container/
Cannot use bind mounts in Dockerfile, must be at container run.
... run -v /Users/me/stuff:/path/container
for mac/linux -v //c/Users/me/stuff:/path/container
This is useful for development when you need to use or access files in development.
docker container run -d --name nginx -p 80:70 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
After we bind a volume, we can do something like this:
docker container exec -it nginx bash && ls -la
And we should be able to access our bind mount from inside the container.
Postgres Password
docker container run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypasswd
Note: In the real world, I always pin my production apps to the patch version. It’s the only safe way to operate.
Upgrading Postgres with named volume
docker container run --rm -d --name mypg2 \
-e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
-v data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
you can continue to use the same named volume and only change the postgres tag i.e.,
docker container run --rm -d --name mypg2 \
-e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
-v data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
Troubleshooting File Permissions accross multiple containers
ps aux
Look at containers /etc/passwd
and /etc/group
, you’ll likely find a
Figure out how to make sure both containers are running with matching user ID or group ID. i
RUN groupadd --gid 1000 node \\
&& useradd --uid 1000 --gid node --shell /bin/bash --create-home node
USER 1000:1000
Note: When setting a Dockerfile’s USER, use numbers, which work better in Kubernetes than using names.
Note 2: If ps doesn’t work in your container, you may need to install it. In debian-based images with apt, you can add it with apt-get update && apt-get install procps
Bind Mount Example
docker run -p 9090:4000 -v $(pwd):/container/dir username/image:tag
docker run -p 9090:4000 -v ./data:/some/container/data/path username/image:tag
Dockerfile ENTRYPOINTa
Recap Basic Dockerfile Statements
is always needed and lets us select base image we want to build or start with an empty image “scratch” image.ENV
way to use environment variables which can be used later andWORKDIR
is the proper way to change into a directory and also create it if it does not existCOPY
typical way to copy source code and any local files needed into the containerRUN
universal way to run any command inside the container image while it is building as long as the linux binary exists already- EXPOSE will tell container runtime which ports your application is listening on
statement is teh default command your container will execute when it starts.
Two questions to ask with every new instruction you write in a dockerfile:
- Will this new statement overwrite it’s previous use in my dockerfile or any use in my from image. Overwrite vs Additive.
- Will this statement be used during my image build or will it be stored in my image metadata and used later when I start a container from this image. Buildtime vs Runtime.
A common confusion for beginners is thinking that the CMD command is run at build time. It is stored in the image metadata and only executed when you start a container from that image.
Only the last CMD
in a dockerfile will ever be used including any that
might be coming in a from statement. THe final workdir statement decales
the file system path where the cmd is exeucted from.
Dockerfile Buildtime vs. Runtime Cheatsheet
The purpose of ENTRYPOINT
is to execute a command on container start. They
act differently than the CMD
command and can work together.
only runs on container starts. Only the last ENTRYPOINT
used in the container.
docker run busybox
docker inspect busybox
docker run -it busybox
whoami # root in container
ps # check processes
ls /bin # get binaries
hostname # returns the hostname of the os
date # get date
exit # exit container
FROM busybox:latest
CMD ["hostname"] // docker calls this json syntax the execform
cd /path-to-directory
docker build -t hostname .
docker run hostname
docker run --help
docker run hostname date // override the cmd statement
Update CMD
FROM busybox:latest
ENTRYPOINT ["hostname"] // docker calls this json syntax the execform
docker build -t entryhostname .
docker run entryhostname
=> nothing changed
docker run entryhostname date
=> operation not permitted
docker run --help
docker run --entrypoint date entryhostname
Docker intends the ENTRYPOINT
to complement the CMD
and not replace it.
is good for images meant to run long lasting processes in the
offers no benefits over CMD
by itself, but shines when
used together.
If you set both, then every time you start the container docker takes the
and the CMD
and combines them with a space between them.
Two main use cases:
- You want to treat your containers like a command line tool
- You want to run a startup script in the main container before the program starts
This is good for linux utilities:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
curl \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
CMD ["--help"]
Container startup script
exec "$@"
FROM python:slim
USER www-data
WORKDIR /var/www/html
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD ["python", ""]
Choosing Between RUN, CMD, & ENTRYPOINT
Shell vs Exec Form
- shell
by default
- always use EXEC
- Use EXEC
form by default, but in rare cases shell
might be needed
: always use Exec