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Andrew M McCall

Using Go Embed Package for Template Rendering

A discussion on integrating the go:embed package into my template rendering engine for golang applications.

This post acts as a companion to How To Create A Template Cache For Your Golang Application.

I have released a template rendering engine that can be viewed here: github.com/elkcityhazard/am-render-engine

A template cache is just a map with key value pairs that are stored in-memory. This allows us to render our templates a little bit faster because instead of building the template from the host file system, we pre build them and store them inside a map[string]*template.Template.

This helps our website when it is under load because reading from disk is significantly slower than reading from memory.

In my previous post, I hosted the template files separately from the binary. This works, but it also creates an extra layer of complexity insofar as one has to maintain the templates in addition to the binary on the server.

This isn’t a huge lift, but I like to make things as clean and transportable as possible.

This is where the embed package comes in. In a nutshell, the embed package allows us to embed filesystems directly into the binary at build time. This allows us to add our templates directly to the binary, which makes things nicely portable in the event we need to move our binary somewhere else.

The setup is only slightly different than hosting the files on the host filesystem. The embed package is built to support this exact functionality so it actually simplified my code slightly, although I continue to use a host-based solution for local development.

Breaking down go:embed directive

the go:embed directive was introduced in Go 1.16. It allows us to embed static files and folders into the final shipped binary during the build/compilation phase. This is ideal for html files, images, configuration files, and any other assets that might benefit from being shipped inside the executable.

The main benefits of the go:embed directive is that it makes are life easier because the files are directly added to the binary. This means less files to manage on the server which ends up with less rsyncs or ftp requests.

Because we are embedding the files directly into the binary, it means they are readily accessible right away. It doesn’t require any extra overhead to read the file from the filesystem.

Using The go:embed directive

package main

import (

//go:embed example.txt
var example string

//go:embed images/*
var images embed.FS

func main() {
    fmt.Println(example) // Prints contents of example.txt

    files, _ := fs.ReadDir(images, "images")
    for _, file := range files {

This example assumes that there is a file in the current working directly called example.txt and a directory called images.

We use the //go:embed directive to say that we want to embed those files. Notice we are using an asterik to denote that we want anything insde the images directory to be embedded.

Additionally, we need to also declare a variable for the embeds to have a memory address associated with them. This has to come directively after the //go:embed directive.

The rest of the program just prints the contents of example.txt, then loops through the images and prints out the filename.

Pretty easy.

Creating A Go Template Cache Using Go’s embed package

Lets take an example template directory at the top level of your application:

// Theoretical template directory

- htmltemplates
  - tmpl
    - layouts
      - base.gohtml
    - pages
      - home.gohtml
    - partials
      - partial.gohtml
  - htmltemplates.go

Inside of htmltemplates.go we want to embed teh tmpl directory:

package htmltemplates

import "embed"

//go:embed tmpl
var embedTmplFS embed.FS

func GetTmplFS() embed.FS {
    return embedTmplFS

Note that we created a function called GetTmplFS. This is so we can easily get access to the embedded filesystem in other packages which we will need later.

Next, we can build our CreateTemplateCache function:

func BuildTemplateCacheFromEmbedFS() (map[string]*template.Template, error) {
    tc := make(map[string]*template.Template)
    // get the file system
    fs := htmltemplates.GetTmplFS()

    // read the files and get the pages
    pages, err := fs.ReadDir("tmpl")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // if there are pages, start building the template
    for i := range pages {
        // create a new template
        tmpl, err := template.New(pages[i].Name()).Funcs(nil).ParseFS(fs,
        fmt.Sprintf("%s/s", "tmpl/pages", pages[i].Name())

        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // next we are going to check for layouts

        layouts, err := fs.ReadDir("tmpl/layouts")

        if err != nil {
            return nil, err 

        // parse the layouts for the template

        if len(layouts) > 0 {
            for _, l := range layouts {
                tmpl, err = tmpl.ParseFS(fs, "tmpl/layouts/"+l.Name())
                if err != nil {
					return nil, err

        // check for partial templates and parse

        partials, err := fs.ReadDir("tmpl/partials")

        if err != nil {
					return nil, err

        if len(partials) > 0 {
			for _, p := range partials {
				tmpl, err = tmpl.ParseFS(fs, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", "tmpl/partials", p.Name()))

		tc[pages[i].Name()] = tmpl

    return tc, nil

The most important thing to understand here is that the embed package has a special function named ParseFS which is used to parse the templates in the embedded filesystem.

The rest of the function is just looping through each directory, and building the template and parsing each definition as directive per template.

Finally, we store it in the map, giving it a key that matches the filename.

Building The Go Template Rendering Engine

The next step is to actually build the rendering engine. For this to work, we need to create the template cache ahead of time and store it somewhere. I often use my application config struct for this, but it can be anywhere to your preference.

Here is the code for the render engine:

type TemplateData struct {
    Data map[string]any

type application struct {
    templates map[string]*template.Template
    useCache bool

var app application

app.templates = BuildTemplateCacheFromEmbedFS()
app.useCache = true

func  RenderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, tmpl string, td *TemplateData) error {

	tc := make(map[string]*template.Template)

	if app.UseCache {
		tc = app.templates
	} else {
		tmps, err := tmpCol.CreateTemplateCache()

		if err != nil {
			return err

		tc = tmps

	t, ok := tc[tmpl]

	if !ok {
		return errors.New("could not get template from template cache")

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}

	if td == nil {
        td = &TemplateData{}

    data := make(map[string]any)

    data["name"] = "andrew"

    td.Data = data

	//AddTD with r and td here

	err := t.Execute(buf, td)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = buf.WriteTo(w)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil


This is just checking to see if we want to use a previously generated cache, or if we want to build a new template cache on the fly.

Next, we check that the template exists, and bail out if there isn’t any keys that match the requested template.

Then we make sure there is a TemplateData struct and create one if it doesn’t exist.

In this example, we are adding some dummy data to the template cache as a demonstration.

If all goes well, we first write the template to a new &bytes.Buffer{}

This basically makes sure that everything goes well rendering the template. Without this, we would potentially render an error, but continue trying to build the template anyway.

Finally, if there are no issues, we write the buffer to the writer which outputs the html to the page.

To use our template rendering engine, we can create a trivial example:

package main

import (

type config struct {
	useCache bool
    templates map[string]*template.Templates

func main() {

	var cfg config

	cfg.useCache = true

	tc, err := CreateTemplateCache()

	if err != nil {

    cfg.templates = tc

	handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		err := RenderTemplate(w, r, "home.gohtml")

		if err != nil {


	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":8080",
		Handler: handler,

	if err = srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {


Final Thoughts On Go Embed Directive For Rendering Templates

There you have it. I don’t think it was too hard. The best part about this is that it makes less files to manage for your binary, they are readily available right away, and they are stored in memory which makes them extremely fast to access.

If you don’t want to write this yourself, I have release a go template rendering engine package which can be viewed on github here: https://github.com/elkcityhazard/am-render-engine/tree/main

Having issues, feel free to reach out to my on mastodon: @elkcityhazard@indieweb.social
