Javascript Count Up to Number
In implementation of a classic UI component where we use Javascript to countup to a number.
For fun, I have been exploring writing some of the classic frontend UI components. In this post, I am exploring how to write a simple count up timer using javascript.
This was spurred on by the fact that Countup.js is ~350 lines of code. Can we make a Javascript count up effect that is lighterweight?
Exploring A Javascript Count Up Function
Real world statistics are often dynamic. Typically, we are going to fetch some data and aggregate it where each element is going to have a different result.
So however, we decide to create a countup timer in Javascript, we are going to need to make sure that the “limit”, or the max number is dynamic.
I think the best way to achieve that is by setting the count up timer limit as a data property of the element. Then we can use the Javascript dataset method to grab the count out of the array. This would look like this:
this.limit = +this.element.dataset['count']
Note: we are making sure to cast the result to an int using the +
sign in front of getting the dataset value.
Thinking this through, there a few things we want this to do:
- Make sure the counter doesn’t go past the limit
- Make the interval consistent until we get to a certain point, then make it coolOff as we get closer to the limit
- Be able to call this on any component.
- Have no dependencies
So let us get straight to the point and here is the code for a simple javascript count up timer:
class CountUp {
constructor(elID = "", currentIndex = 0, limit = 100, baseInterval = 30, coolDown = 90) {
this.elID = elID
this.element = document.getElementById(elID)
this.currentIndex = +currentIndex
this.limit = +this.element.dataset['count']
this.baseInterval = +baseInterval
this.coolDown = +coolDown
this.percentOf = Math.floor(this.limit * this.coolDown / 100)
initCountUp() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.incrementCount.bind(this))
incrementCount() {
if (this.currentIndex > this.limit) return null // bail out if done
this.element.innerText = this.currentIndex
this.incrementSpeed = this.currentIndex / this.limit * 100 < this.coolDown ? this.baseInterval : this.baseInterval * (this.currentIndex - this.percentOf)
setTimeout(() => {
return this.incrementCount(this.elID, this.currentIndex++, this.limit, this.baseInterval, this.coolDown)
}, this.incrementSpeed)
export { CountUp }
const countUp = new CountUp("postCount", 0, null, 30, 80) // null because grabbing count from a data id
Explaining the Javascript Countup Timer
- To make this reusable, we are creating a class so that we can instantiate a new count up timer when needed.
- Since all we are technically doing is updating a DOM element, we are passing in the element ID which is then setting
to the actual element we want to update - The constructor has a base currentIndex, as well as a limit, a base interval, and the percentage completed before we start to cooldown the update interval
- To make sure the dom element actually exists, we are waiting until the DOM Content is loaded before we start to increment the count
checks to see if we have reached the limit, and if so, we bail out.- Otherwise, we are resetting the count to the current index.
- The main logic in the simple Javascript Count Up TImer is controlling the increment speed.
- For the most part, we just want to use the
, but once we cross a certain percentage complete threshhold we want to start cooling down the interval duration and making it longer between each interval. - To calculate that percentage, we are simply converting the invertal for
to an actual percentage and finding out what value meets that progress percentage - This is stored in
asMath.floor(this.limit * this.coolDown / 100)
- For example, if our limit is 100, and our coolDown percentage was 90%, then the coolDown would start when the current index is 90
- Then, we just multiply the baseInterval by each currentInterval beyond the threshhold interval. For example, using this formula:
this.baseInterval * (this.currentIndex - this.percentOf)
, if the currentIndex was 92, then the it would bethis.baseInterval * 2
, etc.
- Finally, after we update the DOM element, we just return a new setTimeout utilizing the updated incrementSpeed
Adding Animation To The Javascript Count Up Timer
SO the counter is working but right now we are just updating the element. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could add a little bit of animation to the count up timer?
First let’s observe the method which can help us accomplish that:
handleAnimate() {
if (!this.animate) return false
if (this.currentIndex == this.limit) return null
let childEl = this.element.querySelector(".counter-inner")
if (!childEl) return null
this.incrementSpeed = this.currentIndex / this.limit * 100 < this.coolDown ? this.baseInterval : this.baseInterval * (this.currentIndex - this.percentOf) = `translateY(-${100 * this.currentIndex}%)` = `transform ${this.incrementSpeed}ms ease`
setTimeout(() => {
return this.handleAnimate(this.elID, this.currentIndex++, this.limit, this.baseInterval, this.coolDown)
}, this.incrementSpeed)
Now, I have added a new property called animate. This checks to see if animate is set to true, then calls handleAnimate to handle the javascript animation.
The html for this is a little bit different:
{{ $section := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "blog" }}
{{ $pages := len $section }}
<strong {{ with .Get "id" }} id="{{ . }}" {{ end }} data-count="{{- $pages -}}">{{- $pages -}}</strong>
{{ $counter := 0 }}
<div id="counter2" class="counter">
<div class="counter-inner">
{{ range $section }}
{{ $counter = add $counter 1}}
<span>{{ $counter }}</span>
{{ end }}
</div> <!-- /end counter inner-->
:root {
--counter-dimension: 40px;
.counter {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
height: var(--counter-dimension);
width: var(--counter-dimension);
.counter-inner {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column nowrap;
margin: auto;
height: var(--counter-dimension);
width: var(--counter-dimension);
align-items: center;
justify-content: start;
.counter span {
color :#333;
font-family: var(--font-mono);
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
flex: 0 0 var(--counter-dimension);
display: block;
text-align: center;
height: var(--counter-dimension);
width: var(--counter-dimension);
In this example, I am getting my blog posts from hugo, and ranging through them. I have a global variable I am calling $counter, and imcrementing the count in each iteration and also constructing a list of dom elements to handle the count up function.
What needs to be considered here is that we are going to use css transform to animate the countup. To make sure this looks correct, we will need to have a parent element, an inner container element, then finally all of the DOM elements that make up our counter increments.
I have also included some minor styles which is basically just a container with some flex boxes. Note, the parent container needs to exist to have overflow:hidden
so that the non active numbers are not shown.
The only other thing we are doing different with Javascript is: = `translateY(-${100 * this.currentIndex}%)` = `transform ${this.incrementSpeed}ms ease`
setTimeout(() => {
return this.handleAnimate(this.elID, this.currentIndex++, this.limit, this.baseInterval, this.coolDown)
}, this.incrementSpeed)
We are using querySelector to get the inner element, but it would probably make more sense to use this.element.firstElementChild
so that you don’t have to worry about labeling the inner element,
Finally, we are just updating the transition and transform on the style property to align with the currentIndex and increment speed.
We return a new timeout to rerun the “animation”.
Final Thoughts on the Simple Cout Up Timer In Javascript
I would still recommend using a Javascript library like Countup.js. But when you have a simple need, or don’t want to bog down your project with dependencies or large codebases, writing your own countup timer component is not too diffuclt. Vendor packages often handle as many cases as possible, and at times, you might just need something that is a bit more simple.
Here is a link to Countup.js