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Andrew M McCall

SCSS Use VS Import: How To Use @Use in SCSS

SCSS Import is going away but what does that mean for you? Let me explain how scss @use works quick and simple.

You have probably seen many times that @import is gradually being deprecated in SASS. So what is the alternative? Sass wants us to use @use which actually requires a little bit more setup but comes with the ability to namespace your sass and make it easier to maintain in larger projects.

What Is Wrong With Using @Import in SASS?

I do not feel there is any better way to put this than cite the official SASS documentation:

The @import rule has a number of serious issues:

  @import makes all variables, mixins, and functions 
  globally accessible. This makes it very difficult 
  for people (or tools) to tell where anything 
  is defined. Because everything’s global, libraries 
  must prefix to all their members to avoid naming 
  collisions. @extend rules are also global, which 
  makes it difficult to predict which style rules will 
  be extended. Each stylesheet is executed and its CSS 
  emitted every time it’s @imported, which increases 
  compilation time and produces bloated output. 
  There was no way to define private members or placeholder 
  selectors that were inaccessible to downstream stylesheets.

The new module system and the @use rule address all these problems.

Source: sass-lang.com

So, then, what do we do? At first was a bit confusing for me to understand how the @use directive works in SASS.
I felt like it required a lot of extra typing to achieve the same result but there must be a benefit. It turns out that it is not as difficult as it seems and does not require very many extra lines of code to get it to work right.

How To Use The @Use SCSS Directive

The key element to the @use directive is that to get it to work efficiently it requires another directive which is called @forward. Again, from the SASS documentation:

The @forward rule loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins, functions, and variables available when your stylesheet is loaded with the @use rule. It makes it possible to organize Sass libraries across many files, while allowing their users to load a single entrypoint file.

Source: sass-lang.com

The @use directive works with both the @forward directive but to get it to work effectively there is one more component that needs to be brought into the fold. @forward directives need to be stored inside an _index.scss file. The idea is to create a subfolder in the main scss file structure. It might be called something like _components. Inside this sub-directory you might have something like a button component, a card component, and so on and so forth.

Of course it is totally fine to just use the @use directive for these components but the issue with this approach is that we have to define the namespace for each @use directive. This would make maintaining the SASS structure difficult to say the least. For example, any time we wanted to call a button it would look like this:

@use './_components/_button.scss' as button;

To actually call the button into action it would need to look like this:

.some-class-name {
    color: button.$some-defined-color-variable;

A Better Approach To @Import

Instead of calling each component with @use we can call @use on the _index.scss file localed in the _components directory. But first we must forward are required modules in the _index.scss file. Think of @forward as a more robust way of requiring css components. The index file acts as a directory of sorts of all of your required modules. Inside of the _index.scss file we simply would include our scss components like this:

@forward './_button.scss';

Once we have all of the appropriate forward directives set up in the index, all we need to do to gain access to them is call @use './_components/_index.scss' as *;. Now that index file has passed on all of the forwarded scss modules to the current scss module.

Note: the * imports the directives similiary to how @import works without a defined namespace. Alternatively, we could have done it like this: @use './_components/_index.scss' as variables;

In this case we would need to access our scss modules like this:

.some-class-name {
    color: variables.$blue;

Use @Use and @Forward to better organize your SCSS Partials

Where the @use and @forward directives really shine is that it makes organizing your SCSS Modules a breeze. For example, let’s say you want to have a SCSS Partials Library with different components. These can be built out individually in their own file and then simply brought into the index to be forwarded.
I personally like to break out my custom page styles into their own pages folder to keep my templates as organized as possible. If I need to make a change to a template, I know exactly which SCSS file to go into and edit if needed.

Final Thoughts: SCSS @use vs @import

I hope this brings some light to newer developers (or those new to SCSS) on how to better utilize the @use and @forward directives. I personally don’t feel that the official documentation covered the concept of creating a module index to forward the necessary modules onto other SCSS modules. To think of it another way: the index file is almost like a table of contents for your modules. When you are ready to use them simply call the @use directive on the index file and you will have full access to all of your defined scss directives that are forwarded.

If you still have questions feel free to contact me on the website or reach out on twitter @elkcityhazard.

Need help with your SCSS? I am happy to consult for free!
