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Andrew M McCall


Docker: Important Topics & Notes

This is a repository of my notes and important topics on docker commands. Helpful for when I forget things.

Go Net Listener Http Server Example

We explore the net package, spin up a net.Listener, accept requests, and respond with html

Using Go Embed Package for Template Rendering

Go’s embed package is excellent for creating a Go template rendering engine. The benefit of using the embed package is that your templates get bundled with your binary. Learn how to use the embed package to render templates in golang applications.

Notes On Testing Golang Applications

Setup Main

setup_test.go is where you do any app setup for your test. This runs before the rest of the tests and can help you mock things that need to be mocked. When you build your application, test files are ignored. It is a safe space to declare variables, override variables, etc. Each package can have a TestMain func in the setup_test.go file.

// setup_test.go in the main package

package main

// may need to declare some testing specific vars up here

var mock *config.AppConfig
var mockDB *sqlDB

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {

    // configure your testing specific app config mocks

    mockApp.Title = ""
    mockApp.DSN = ""
    // mock session, repos, pass around any extra config to internal
    newSessionManager(mockApp, mockDB)
	handlers.SetHandlerRepo(handlers.NewHandlerRepo(mockApp, sqldbconn.NewSQLDbConn(mockApp, mockDB)))

    // the rest of the config setup that runs before test

    // init TestMain


Adding Context And Session To http.Request

Create a couple of helper functions to create dummy session data and add it to the request:

Custom Golang Http Router With Middleware

Go standard library, as well as many others have already solved implementing a robust, production grade http server. So why bother writing one? This post will hopefully yield some insight of why it is important to revisit established technology.

WordPress Self Hosted A Guided Tour To Running Wordpress Independent Of Big Hosting

Learning how to self host a WordPress site can teach us about linux security, web applications technologies, and save us a few dollars. But is it worth it?

Neovim Custom File Extension Syntax Highlighting

We learn how to use treesitter injections to setup syntax highlighting for custom file extensions

Importing Content From Hugo Into Wordpress

I walk through my philosophy on migrating Hugo data sources into wordpress as custom post types.

Why I Dont Recommend Getflywheel or Wpengine for Most Wordpress Hosting

I explain my experience working for an agency that uses GetFlywheel and WPEngine for Wordpress Hosting

Javascript Count Up to Number

This article explores the classic UI component that is the simple count up timer written in Javascript. Often used to help display statistics in a dynamic way.