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Andrew M McCall

Hi There!

I am a fullstack web developer with 6 years of experience in modern web technologies. My mission is to leverage my experience in Go, Javascript, PHP, Lua, Relational Databases, Non-Relational Databases, and server technologies to simplify the web and help drive your organization’s mission through clean, well planned web architecture built on a foundation of proven technologies.

Read some of my technology writing below:_

Unit Testing Json Encode

Here are my notes on testing a JSON writer for Golang that lets you wrap the response in an envelope

Golang Create a Random String

Go’s rand package can help us easily generate a random string for when we need to ensure uniqueness with naming in our applicaton. We walkthrough the process of generating a random string using golang.

Go Channels Tutorial - Understanding Goroutines and Channels

Go has powerful concurrency tools fully baked into the programming Language. This post aims to explain go routines and channels so you can get started using them in your own projects.

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